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Box 235, Graphic Negs. 4x5 - Misc. - G400 - G899, 1941 - 1956
Object Type: Folder
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R.C. Leavenworth Collection
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R.C. Leavenworth Collection
Box 235, Graphic Negs. 4x5 - Misc. - G400 - G899, 1941 - 1956
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L2053-1 W.J.I.M Radio Station, Finch and Parchman, 4 Aug. 1941
L2055-2 Veterans F.W., Shots at Eaton Rapids, 18 Aug. 1941
L2055-1 Veterans F.W., Shots at Eaton Rapids, 18 Aug. 1941
L2055-4 Veterans F.W., Shots at Eaton Rapids, 18 Aug. 1941
L2055-3 Veterans F.W., Shots at Eaton Rapids, 18 Aug. 1941
L2063-1 V.F.W. Home Banquet Speaker and Cake, 23 Sept. 1941
L2063-2 V.F.W. Home Banquet Speaker and Cake, 23 Sept. 1941
L2069-1 Disabled Vets, Group at Gov. office, 6 Oct. 1941
L2109-1 V.F.W. Cooties party at Home [Christmas], 21 Dec. 1941
L2112-2 W.J.I.M Dinner and Speaker Table, 2 Jan. 1942
L2109-2 V.F.W. Cooties party at Home [Christmas], 21 Dec. 1941
L2112-1 W.J.I.M Dinner and Speaker Table, 2 Jan. 1942
L2116-1 Y.M.C.A., Governor’s office, 24 Jan. 1942
L2116-2 Y.M.C.A., Governor’s office, 24 Jan. 1942
L2117-1 V.F.W. American Legion, Iniatiating degree team of olds, Jan. 1942
L2137-1 Y.M.C.A. Group, 31 Mar. 1942
L2141-1 Y.W.C.A. Publicity group, kids for HUmane Society, 21 Apr. 1942
L2157-1 War Production Bd., Passport portrait, 1 June 1942
L2162-1 United States Navy Recruiting Station, Marine Day, 8 June 1948
L2162-2 United States Navy Recruiting Station, Marine Day, 8 June 1948
L2177-1 U.A.W. – C.Q.O. Nash Local #13 23 July 1942
L2196-1 Washburn, R.M., portrait, 28 Sept. 1942
L2196-2 Washburn, R.M., portrait, 28 Sept. 1942
L2177-2 U.A.W. – C.Q.O. Nash Local #13 23 July 1942
L2198-1 W.J.I.M Radio Station, 5 Oct. 1942
L2205-1 Y.M.C.A. Gym Class, 6 Nov. 1942
L2205-2 Y.M.C.A. Gym Class, 6 Nov. 1942
L2225-1 Visiting Nurses Association, Nurse with baby, Dec. 1942
L2225-2 Visiting Nurses Association, Nurse with baby, Dec. 1942
L2241-1 Veterans F.W., Ceremony Groups, 5 Jan. 1943
L2241-2 Veterans F.W., Ceremony Groups, 5 Jan. 1943
L2242-1 Y.M.C.A., Governor’s office, Group 6 Jan. 1943
L2245-1 Veterans F.W., Ceremony Groups, 15 Jan. 1943
L2245-2 Veterans F.W., Ceremony Groups, 15 Jan. 1943
L2246-1 Van Nate, Chas P., Scene shots for Court Case, 16 Jan. 1943
L2246-2 Van Nate, Chas P., Scene shots for Court Case, 16 Jan. 1943
L2246-6 Van Nate, Chas P., Scene shots for Court Case, 16 Jan. 1943
L2246-3 Van Nate, Chas P., Scene shots for Court Case, 16 Jan. 1943
L2246-5 Van Nate, Chas P., Scene shots for Court Case, 16 Jan. 1943
L2246-4 Van Nate, Chas P., Scene shots for Court Case, 16 Jan. 1943
L2267-1 Webb, Sarg., Portrait [W.P.B. Service], 10 Feb. 1943
L2253-1 U.A.W. – C.Q.O. Group, 23 Jan. 1943
L2273-1 V.F.W. American Legion, Groups with Gov. Kelley, 12 Feb. 1943
L2273-2 V.F.W. American Legion, Groups with Gov. Kelley, 12 Feb. 1943
L2286-1 V.F.W. Group and Service Star Flag, 26 Feb. 1943
L2276-1 Waters, Ed [Oldsmobile], I.D. Portraits, Feb. 1943
L2316-1 Vandervoort Hardsware Co., E. Lansing Sport Shop, 6 Apr. 1943
L2331-1 Wine Gardner and Millers, Group, 29 Apr. 1943
L2340-1 Wheaton Chemical Co., Bldg. Exterior, 8 May 1943
L2344-1 Y.M.C.A. 2 men, 15 May 1943
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