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This collection consists of documents of, or relating to James D. Elderkin. The collection includes his enlistment papers as principal musician of the 4th Regiment of Infantry Band dated 1849; his re-enlistment certificate as leader of the 5th Michigan Infantry Regimental Band dated 1862; his discharge certificate as Fife Major, First (3 months) from the Michigan Infantry Volunteers, dated 1861; a receipt from the Library of Congress for Biographical sketches and anecdotes of a soldier of three wars, written by himself / by James D. Elderkin, dated May 1, 1899; a notice of issue and fees of the Dept. of Interior, Bureau of Pensions for 1863; a letter to Elderkin from Thomas R. McConnell, Dec. 27, 1853, commending him for his service; and the muster out roll of the 5th Regiment Infantry band, dated Aug. 9, 1862.

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