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This collection contains speech text or speaking notes from Attorney General Bill Schuette from 2011-2018. File names indicate the topic of the speech or event where remarks were given. The collection does not contain audio files.

This record series contains contains speeches made by the Attorney General and Chief Deputy Attorney General. The files may contain invitations, programs, speaker notes, speeches, electronic presentations and supplementary documents.

This collection contains records from the Attorney General's Executive Office.

This collection contains press releases from Attorney General Bill Schuette's office from 2011-2018. Topics covered include consumer protection, public corruption, the Affordable Care Act and the OK2SAY school safety initiative.

This series contains media releases from the Michigan Attorney General's Executive Office.

This series contains a publication outlining achievements of Attorney General Bill Schuette's office from 2011-2018. Topics covered include consumer protection, public corruption, human trafficking, Asian Carp, the Flint Water Crisis, and the OK2SAY school safety initiative.

This record series includes agency-developed publications used to distribute information or publicize agency activities. 

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