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A supplemental survey map of Section 32 of Hayes Township in Otsego County, Michigan, completed by June 1922. The image has been inverted for easier viewing.


A survey map of islands in Buhl Lake, located in Section 32 of the northern portion of Hayes Township, Otsego County, Michigan. This survey was conducted between October and November 1977.


A survey map of islands in Manuka Lake, located in Sections 25 and 36 of the northern portion of Hayes Township, Otsego County, Michigan. This survey was completed in September 1958.


A survey map of the northern part of Hayes Township in Otsego County, Michigan. The township lines were originally measured in 1839, but part of the southern boundary and all of the subdivisions were remeasured in 1856.


A supplemental survey map of Section 32 of Hayes Township in Otsego County, Michigan, completed in September 1931.


A collection of survey maps of the northern half of Hayes Township in Otsego County, Michigan. The first map is of the entirety of the nothern half of the township. The township lines were originally measured in 1839, but part of the southern boundary and all of the subdivisions were re-measured in 1856. The second map details islands in Manuka Lake, located in Sections 25 and 36 of the northern portion of Hayes Township. This survey was completed in September 1958. The third and fourth map are supplemental maps of Section 32, completed in June 1922 and September 1931 respectively. The third map has also been inverted in order to allow easier viewing. The fifth map is of islands in Buhl Lake, located in Section 32 of the northern portion of Hayes Township. This survey was conducted between October and November 1977.


Notes on the examinations of surveys covering townships in Antrim and Otsego Counties, Michigan. Performed by Orange Risdon in 1855.


Notes on the examinations of surveys covering townships in Antrim and Otsego Counties, Michigan. Performed by Orange Risdon in 1855.


Notes on the examinations of surveys covering townships in Antrim and Otsego Counties, Michigan. Performed by Orange Risdon in 1855.


Notes on the examinations of surveys covering townships in Antrim and Otsego Counties, Michigan. Performed by Orange Risdon in 1855.


Notes on the examinations of surveys covering townships in Antrim and Otsego Counties, Michigan. Performed by Orange Risdon in 1855.


Notes on the examinations of surveys covering townships in Antrim and Otsego Counties, Michigan. Performed by Orange Risdon in 1855.


Notes on the examinations of surveys covering townships in Antrim and Otsego Counties, Michigan. Performed by Orange Risdon in 1855.


Notes on the examinations of surveys covering townships in Antrim and Otsego Counties, Michigan. Performed by Orange Risdon in 1855.


Notes on the examinations of surveys covering townships in Antrim and Otsego Counties, Michigan. Performed by Orange Risdon in 1855.


Notes on the examinations of surveys covering townships in Antrim and Otsego Counties, Michigan. Performed by Orange Risdon in 1855.


Notes on the examinations of surveys covering townships in Antrim and Otsego Counties, Michigan. Performed by Orange Risdon in 1855.


Notes on the examinations of surveys covering townships in Antrim and Otsego Counties, Michigan. Performed by Orange Risdon in 1855.


Notes on the examinations of surveys covering townships in Antrim and Otsego Counties, Michigan. Performed by Orange Risdon in 1855.


Notes on the examinations of surveys covering townships in Antrim and Otsego Counties, Michigan. Performed by Orange Risdon in 1855.


Notes on the examinations of surveys covering townships in Antrim and Otsego Counties, Michigan. Performed by Orange Risdon in 1855.


Notes on the examinations of surveys covering townships in Antrim and Otsego Counties, Michigan. Performed by Orange Risdon in 1855.


Notes on the examinations of surveys covering townships in Antrim and Otsego Counties, Michigan. Performed by Orange Risdon in 1855.


Notes on the examinations of surveys covering townships in Antrim and Otsego Counties, Michigan. Performed by Orange Risdon in 1855.


Notes on the examinations of surveys covering townships in Antrim and Otsego Counties, Michigan. Performed by Orange Risdon in 1855.


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