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This accession contains records from State Representative Kyra Harris Bolden dated 2019 through 2022. The accession includes correspondences with constituents, photographs from events, legislative material related to bills and committees, office operations, and media interaction. Representative Bolden was elected to the 35th Representative District (Southfield) in 2019, so a significant amount of her work revolved around the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact the crisis had on her district.

Oakland County (Mich.)

This collection contains letters and cased photographs of the family of Ebenezer and Abigail Beardslee. The collection primarily consists of letters written by Moses A. Beardslee, who served in the 22nd Michigan Infantry, Company D, during the American Civil War. The collection also contains a few letters from Ebenezer Beardslee, as well as his draft substitution papers. Finally, the collection contains cased photographs of the Beardslee family, including of Moses Beardslee in his Union Army uniform.

Oakland County (Mich.)

Black and white photo postcard from circa 1907-1910 depicting a view of the town of Clarkston, Michigan, taken from a hill. The church steeple on the right belongs to the First Baptist Church, built in 1840. The building is now the Clarkston Union Bar and Kitchen. The church in the center of the frame belonged to the Clarkston Methodist Episcopal Church (now the United Methodist Church), located at Church and Buffalo Streets. The church was built in 1897 after the original frame structure burnt down. The building was used by the church until the 1950s, when the church moved to a new location. The old church is now a private residence.

Oakland County (Mich.)

Oakland County (Mich.)

Oakland County (Mich.)

Oakland County (Mich.)

Oakland County (Mich.)

Color postcard from circa 1925-1935 of people canoeing and enjoying Elizabeth Lake near Pontiac, Michigan.

Oakland County (Mich.)

Oakland County (Mich.)

Oakland County (Mich.)

Oakland County (Mich.)

Oakland County (Mich.)

Oakland County (Mich.)

Oakland County (Mich.)

Oakland County (Mich.)

Oakland County (Mich.)

Oakland County (Mich.)

Oakland County (Mich.)

Oakland County (Mich.)

Oakland County (Mich.)

Oakland County (Mich.)

Oakland County (Mich.)

Oakland County (Mich.)

Oakland County (Mich.)

Oakland County (Mich.)

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