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Newspaper article regarding George Bassett and Samuel Scott's stay in a Nashville Hospital during the Civil War.

Nashville (Tenn.)

Grand Rapids Eagle newspaper clipping dated May 31, 1889. The clipping is in a scrapbook of other articles composed by Luther Byron Baker, who used an old Auditor's General book. The article is told by L.B. Baker and recounts the manhunt he led to capture John Wilkes Booth.

Newspaper clipping is in a scrapbook of other articles composed by Luther Byron Baker, who used an old Auditor's General book. The article recounts John Wilkes Booth's escape after events at Ford's Theater.

State Republican newspaper clipping dated November 23. 1889. The clipping is in a scrapbook of other articles composed by Luther Byron Baker, who used an old Auditor's General book. The article provides a brief history of the origin and development of the Secret Service.

Lansing Republican newspaper clipping is in a scrapbook of other articles composed by Luther Byron Baker, who used an old Auditor's General book. The article recounts the true history of the capture and killing of John Wilkes Booth, told by Lt. L.B. Baker.

Ogemaw County Herald & West Branch Times newspaper clippings dated January 24, 1890. The clippings are in a scrapbook of other articles composed by Luther Byron Baker, who used an old Auditor's General book. The articles provide insight on the lectures given by Lt. L.B. Baker.

Soldiers' Bulletin newspaper clipping dated March 1, 1885. The clipping is in a scrapbook of other articles composed by Luther Byron Baker, who used an old Auditor's General book. The articles retells the story of the Booth manhunt and conspirators.

Ingham County Democrat and Coopersville Observer newspaper clippings dated between 1888-1889. The clipping is in a scrapbook of other articles composed by Luther Byron Baker, who used an old Auditor's General book. The articles describe the lectures provided by Lt. L.B. Baker about the Lincoln Assassination and the capture of John Wilkes Booth.

Lansing Republican newspaper clipping dated December 24, 1879. The clipping is in a scrapbook of other articles composed by Luther Byron Baker, who used an old Auditor's General book. The article recounts the history of the manhunt from Lt. L.B. Baker.

Philadelphia Inquirer newspaper clipping dated May 23, 1865. The clipping is in a scrapbook of other articles composed by Luther Byron Baker, who used an old Auditor's General book. The article describes the capture of David Herold.

The Rochester Evening Express newspaper dated April 28, 1865. The newspaper contains articles that cover the events following the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and capture of John Wilkes Booth, as well as the status of the war.

State Republican newspaper clipping dated December 9, 1886. The clipping is in a scrapbook of other articles composed by Luther Byron Baker, who used an old Auditor's General book. The article recounts the escape of John Wilkes Booth and his pursuit by Lt. L.B. Baker.

Newspaper clipping of the poem "To the Thirteenth Infantry" written by Mrs. Kenyon. In pencil, it states: "read at the annual reunion of the 13th at Kalamazoo, Mich., October 1905.

Undated newspaper article from The Minnesota Journal discussing the mysterious disposal of John Wilkes Booth's body.

Undated newspaper clipping describing the pursuit, capture, and death of John Wilkes Booth according to Oliver Lonkey.

Newspaper article from The Indianapolis Journal, dated 1897. The clipping recounts the flight of assassin John Wilkes Booth after shooting President Lincoln as well as additional details of his escape per official sources that either saw or encountered the man.

Newspaper article in the Seattle Post, dated June 6, 1897 reminiscing on the eve of President Lincoln's assassination by John Wilkes Booth and Booth's subsequent flight. The writer of the article describes his own account of witnessing the deaths of four suspected co-conspirators.

Newspaper clipping from The Daily Inter-Ocean newspaper, dated December 24, 1887. This article introduces readers to Lieut. L.B. Baker and his trusty steed, Old Buckskin. The article deals with Baker's account regarding the pursuit and capture of John Wilkes Booth.

Newspaper article from The Indianapolis Journal, dated May 16, 1897. The article recounts the flight, pursuit, capture and subsequent death of assassin John Wilkes Booth.

Newspaper article from the Lansing Journal, dated February 3, 1888. This article announces the death of Old Buckskin, a veteran Civil War horse, who lead the pursuing party that captured assassin John Wilkes Booth. Old Buckskin belonged to Lieut. L.B. Baker from 1862-1888.

Newspaper clipping entitled "Freedom and Nationality." In the article, the author describes the 14th Michigan Infantry.

Nashville (Tenn.)

Newspaper photograph of George D. Sidman. Not dated.

Newspaper clipping regarding George D. Sidman receiving the medal of honor and his service during the civil war. Not dated.

Newspaper article regarding General Lee's surrender. Narrative told by "Sam", an escaped slave, and recounted by George D. Sidman.

The Philadelphia Inquirer newspaper dated May 23, 1865. The newspaper contains articles that cover the events following the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and capture of John Wilkes Booth, as well as the status of the war.

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