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While no records were broken in 1981. the overall season was reasonably good for most hunters. Compared to 1980, the grouse harvest was down 4 percent with a take of 723,620 birds in 1981 versus·756,660 in 1980. The 1981 harvest of 251,440 woodcock represents a 16 percent drop from the 1980 figure of 299,590. Ruffed grouse hunter numbers in 1981 decreased 2 percent, and the average bag per hunter was down only slightly. During 1981, an estimated 1,741,470 hunter days were spent in pursuit of "old ruff." The ruffed grouse continues to be the number one game bird in the state.
Report on the results of a check on the planting program on the Molasses River, initiated in 1933.
Preliminary report on the data collected of the 1957 deer season (including regular and special seasons).
Report on how to estimate the age of juvenile pheasants by examining plumage.
Memorandum clarifying deer problems in region II and the need for practical studies to aid in their management.
Report on sampling techniques and their uses for wildlife investigations.
Report detailing data obtained on fox squirrel populations at the Rose Lake Wildlife Experiment Station during a study from December 1939 to November 1940, with map.
Ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus) and American woodcock (Scolopax minor) are popular forest game birds that are pursued by about 103,000 Michigan hunters annually. Hunters spend an average of seven to eight days hunting grouse and woodcock each year, adding up to almost a million days of recreation in Michigan annually. The number of ruffed grouse flushed per hour by cooperators in 2003 (1.63) increased 13.2% statewide compared to flush rates from 2002 (1.44); an estimated 358,000 grouse were harvested in Michigan during 2003. The number of woodcock flushed per hour by cooperators in 2003 (1.51) increased 8.6% statewide compared to flush rates from 2002 (1.39). Approximately 43,000 hunters harvested about 139,000 woodcock while spending 301,000 days afield in 2003.
Summary of the findings of examinations of specimens of mammals and birds submitted for diagnosis to the Wildlife Pathology Laboratory in 1973.
Results of the annual mail survey for opinions of deer hunters on various subjects.
A survey of turkey hunters was conducted following the 2015 spring hunting season to determine turkey harvest and hunter participation.
Overview of Bois Blanc Island's land characteristics with a focus on soil, cover and wildlife.
Report on the results of the June 1946 check on the planting program at the Cusino State Game Area, initiated in 1939.
Small game license buyers were contacted after the 2002 hunting seasons to estimate the number of people hunting upland game and waterfowl, their days afield, and harvest. The survey also was used to check whether migratory bird hunters registered with the Harvest Information Program (HIP) and to determine huntersâ opinions about extending the late pheasant season in southern Michigan.
Talk given at the Minnesota Game Protective League on the history and status of deer in Michigan.
Report on the status and conditions of deer on North Manitou Island, 1957-1958.
Regional variation in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) fawn productivity rates has been observed in many states. Michigan is no exception, with fawn productivity rates of 0.65 fetuses/doe in Region III and 0.07 for Region I. This study was initiated to investigate the effects of different photoperiods (ESD = early short day, LSD = Late Short Day) on the onset of puberty in white-tailed deer fawns. Differences in growth rates and body weights were recorded for the ESD and LSD treatments within 2 weeks after the decreased light (8L-16D) regime was initiated. During the period of 8 August - 15 October, when both light regimes were 16L-8D. weights of the paired fawns were not statistically different. During the period 16 October - 5 December, when the ESD group was on a 8L-16D regime, ESD weights were heavier. LSD weights were heavier during the period 6 December - 6 February when they were switched to the 8L-16D photoperiods. Examination of blood progesterone levels, and ovarian and uteral development indicated that 7 of 8 fawns in the ESD treatment had undergone estrus in late January-early February, while none of the 8 in the LSD treatment had sexually matured.
Investigation into an increase in beaver mortality in the western portion of the Upper Peninsula, suspected to be caused by Tularemia.
Report on the results of a mourning dove survey conducted September 1 through November 7 in both 1959 and 1960.
Report on game bird populations based on surveys in state game areas, with ratings based on records from 1953-55.
Report on the results of the special deer season of 1954 in Allegan County.
Report on a study to explore the feasibility of determining pregnancy in live deer by means of radiographic examination.
A survey was completed to estimate the number of people hunting small game, their days afield, and harvest during the 2011 hunting seasons. The survey also was used to investigate hunter satisfaction, compliance with the Harvest Information Program (HIP), estimate the number of people hunting on Hunting Access Program (HAP) lands (private land leased for hunting), and estimate the number of hunters using the internet application Mi-Hunt to locate hunting areas. number of hunters using the internet application Mi-Hunt to locate hunting areas.
Report on the results, hunting and conditions of the 1965 deer season at Rifle River Area.