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At least 790,000 people purchased Michigan hunting licenses each year during 2003-2005. Hunter numbers have decreased since the 1960s when an average of 858,000 people purchased licenses. Not only has the number of licensees decreased since the 1960s, the percentage of Michigan residents (included all ages) that have purchased a hunting license has declined from an average of 10.2% during the 1960s to about 8% during 2003-2005. Currently, most hunters reside in the southern Lower Peninsula; however, a higher proportion of residents in the Upper Peninsula purchased hunting licenses. During 2003-2005, about 92% of the license buyers were males, but participation by females has increased since the 1980s. Hunting in Michigan has become increasingly focused on deer hunting; at least 90% of the hunting license buyers purchased a deer hunting license during 2003-2005. Deer hunting has generally increased in popularity during the last fifty years; however, this trend has started to reverse recently. Since the late 1990s, deer hunter numbers have been declining. About 78% of deer license buyers purchased a license during consecutive years, higher than for any other group of hunters. As deer hunting has gained popularity, small game hunting has declined. The proportion of males and females hunting small game in 2005 was among the lowest levels recorded since 1950. Deer hunters in 2005 were more specialized in their pursuit of deer than they were in 1968. In 2005, 62% of the deer hunters only purchased a deer hunting license, while 51% of deer hunters purchased only deer hunting licenses in 1968. In contrast, fewer small game hunters pursued only small game in 2005 than they did in 1968. In 1968, 45% of small game hunters only purchased a small game hunting license, while in 2005, 16% of these small game hunters only purchased a small game hunting license.
Report on the results of hunting survey taken during the 1938 upland bird season on the farm land surrounding the Experiment Station property at Rose Lake Area.
Results of survey of waterfowl hunters contacted after the 2007 hunting seasons to estimate hunting activity and determine opinions and satisfaction with hunting regulations.
A survey was completed to determine the number of people hunting and trapping bobcats in Michigan, the number of days spent afield (effort), and the number of bobcats registered.
Michigan has experienced a decline in hunting participation since the 1990s. Data suggest that the primary experience for recruiting new hunters has shifted from small game to deer hunting, and that in Michigan overall hunter retention is strongly determined by deer hunting. While the proportion of Michigan youth that hunt deer has remained stable, the proportion of young adults that hunt deer is declining. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) contracted DJ Case & Associates (DJ Case) to conduct focus group and survey research to better understand young adult male hunters and female hunters of any ageâto see if changes in hunting regulations could increase growth and/or retention among these key groups.
The 1986 Summer Brood survey further substantiates the decline in ringneck pheasants. Food and cover during the winter was probably the best in several years due to a wet fall which reduced corn harvest and fall plowing. The population appeared to reflect a good carry-over of breeders, as noted by the increase in number of broods observed. Unfortunately, heavy severe rains throughout lower Michigan during the hatching period reduced the average brood size (3.79) to the lowest recorded in 40 years of data collection.
Report on the results of postcard surveys for archery and camp deer kill in the 1960 season.
A random sample of names was selected from the 1982 list of small game licensees. Even though these hunters were selected from the 1982 license file, they were asked about their hunting experiences during the 1983 ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus) season. In 1983, grouse kill appeared to be somewhat proportional to the hunting effort. Examination of the Regional figures revealed much the same pattern. In Region II, the two December hunt periods accounted for 10 percent of the grouse bagged and 8 percent of the hunting effort. Corresponding figures for Region III were 24 percent of the bag and 22 percent of the hunter days. Examination of grouse kill per day hunted by season by Region revealed some interesting results. Upper Peninsula hunters bagged .43 grouse per day in the field compared with .50 in the Northern Lower Peninsula and .52 in the Southern lower Peninsula. Regions II and III success rates varied somewhat throughout the season. Region I grouse hunters appeared to be more successful as the season progressed.
Results of an investigation into reports of large numbers of dead deer on North Manitou Island in the spring of 1942.
Study incorporating a survey of bear hunters to determine hunter success, days afield, hunter satisfaction and hunter interference within portions of the Red Oak Bear Management Unit during the 2012 hunting season.
At the end of the 1993-94 furharvester seasons 755 license buyers were mailed a questionnaire asking for the results of their hunting and trapping efforts. Those who failed to respond to the original mailing were sent up to three reminders. A total of 516 questionnaires were returned for an adjusted response rate of 72 percent. The number of Fur Harvester licenses sold was below 10,000 for the first time since the license was issued in 1986. An estimated 7,680 individuals (78%) hunted or trapped furbearing animals using one of the three license types. Approximately three fifths of these individuals (4,686) used traps while 5,163 hunted furbearers. The majority of raccoon, coyote, and bobcat were taken by hunters, while trappers took a greater number of opossum, skunk, weasel, and fox. The only legal means of take for muskrat, beaver, otter, fisher, and badger is trapping. Harvests of all species except otter were lower than 1988-89 estimates.
Habitat Conservation Plan developed to facilitate the conservation of the Oak Savanna Ecosystem, Karner blue butterfly and other associated species of concern on non-federal land in Michigan. The plan outlines activities that will be conducted to maintain the early-successional habitat conditions necessary to support savanna species and communities.
Report on a study of the breeding habits of cottontail rabbits at the W. K. Kellogg Bird Sanctuary and Farm.
Report on the Upper Peninsula grouse survey in October 1938.
Estimates of small game hunting success based off the 1954 postcard survey of hunters.
Report on the use and effects of the Rose Lake Wildlife Experiment Station for the 1940 hunting season.
Report on observations of ruffed grouse, prairie chicken, sharp-tailed grouse and woodcock during the mating and nesting seasons of 1938.
Summary of the releases, range, population trends and wintering of the wild turkey in Michigan.
Report covering Isle Royale moose and moose studies, presented at the North American Wildlife Conference in Washington D.C., 1936.
Report on a visit and brief survey of High Island to appraise it as a site for a ruffed grouse research project.
Report on planting project at Molasses River Area in the spring of 1941 to provide cover and food for deer, with benefits to other species.
This report presents estimates of trapper catch of some of Michigan's important furbearers for the 1980-81 trapping seasons. The estimates are generated from responses to mail survey questionnaires. Presented for comparison are the results of similar mail surveys conducted after the 1969-70 and 1970-71 seasons. The species included in this report are the muskrat (Ondatra zibethica) , mink (Mustela vison), raccoon (Procyon lotor), opossum (Didelphis marsupialis), striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis), weasels (Mustela sp.), red fox (Vulpes fulva), and coyote (Canis latrans). Estimates for beaver (Castor canadensis), river otter (Lutra canadensis), and bobcat (Lynx rufus), are available from mandatory registration counts.
Results of a survey of deer hunters completed to estimate the number of hunters using bait and to determine their opinions about hunting deer with bait.
Results of a survey of bear hunters conducted following the 2011 hunting season to determine hunter participation, hunting methods, bear harvest, and hunter satisfaction.
Summary of ruffed grouse drumming counts presented by county and region.
Deeryards provide thermal protection for deer during severe winter weather. Suitable winter cover is important in determining the carrying capacity of an area for white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in northern Michigan. The Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) records spectral signatures in seven wavelength bands. Most of these bands were designed to provide information on vegetation. Many studies have reported upon the utility of satellite data for vegetation mapping. Researchers have been able to discriminate between different tree species using satellite imagery. However, the ability to distinguish canopy closure of conifer species has not been adequately demonstrated in previous studies. The purpose of this study was to determine if TM data could be used to identify and map conifer habitats that provide winter yarding for deer. This includes both species composition and canopy closure. During the course of research, it was discovered that there was good separation of lowland conifer stands dominated by a single species. The producers accuracy (the percentage of ground reference points for a category that were classified correctly) was 75% or above for black spruce, Cedar 70+, and hemlock. Only Cedar 40-70 (67%) was lower than 75% correctly classified. Non-conifer categories such as northern hardwoods and aspen/birch were correctly classified 79% and 90% of the time, respectively.
Report on the results of the 1996-1997 Bobcat Survey. In order to allow the export of bobcat (Felis rufus) pelts under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), the United States Fish and Wildlife Service compiles data on the harvest and status of bobcats. This documentation is necessary to verify the stability of bobcat populations to allow for their continued harvest and the exportation of pelts.
Report on observations of waterfowl numbers and conditions by region prior to hunting season.
Report summarizing the progress of the Bay County fox control experiment.
Eulogy detailing rememberances of Mae K. Woldt, biologist.
Spring drumming surveys were established to monitor ruffed grouse populations. Drumming by male grouse serves three purposes: (1) establishing and securing a breeding territory, (2) attracting hens, and (3) deriving an optimal distribution of male birds per unit area. The monitoring of male ruffed grouse drumming activity in Michigan began in the early 1950s and continued into the early 1960s. After a period of almost 30 years, the surveys was reinstated in the spring of 1990. Statewide. drums per stop have decreased significantly since 1990. Within regions, this trend is not as clear. In Region I, a significant decrease occurred in 1991 with virtually no change in 1992. Region II saw a modest decrease in 1992, while Region III witnessed a significant decrease in 1992. Continued collection of data over time is needed to determine if a real and consistent trend is emerging across regions in addition to the entire state.
A survey of deer hunters was conducted following the 2005 hunting seasons to estimate hunter participation, harvest, and hunting effort. In 2005, an estimated 671,000 hunters spent 10.2 million days afield. Statewide, the number of people hunting deer declined by about 6% and hunting effort declined by about 1% between 2004 and 2005. Hunters harvested nearly 417,000 deer, a decrease of nearly 9% from the number taken in 2004. Statewide, 42% of hunters harvested a deer. About 22% of the hunters took an antlerless deer and 29% took an antlered buck. About 14% of deer hunters harvested two or more deer.
Overview of the mapping of land in Michigan to identify areas of poor land persuant with the Pittman-Robertson Act, and the problems encountered.
In 1991, eighty-seven percent (10,152) of the licensees actually hunted and averaged about three days of hunting effort. Hunters harvested an estimated 5,014 turkeys, five percent more than in 1990. Hunter success increased from 42 to 44 percent. Hunter satisfaction is used in the evaluation of the turkey management program. For the 1991 fall season, most (58%) hunters reported their hunting as "good." Twenty-two percent rated their fall turkey hunting as "poor", while the remaining hunters said it was neither "good" nor "poor."
Results of the first field trail using common quail (Coturnix coturnix), held at Island Lake Recreation Area.
Report on findings and activities of the wildlife research project at the W.K. Kellogg Farm with particular attention paid to small game (mammals and birds).
Report on a trip to examine several sharptail grouse release sites in the Fletcher area, Hartwig Pines and DeWaard, with added interest on gathering information on prairie chickens.
Results and methodology of surveys carried out in the Upper Peninsula and norhtern Lower Peninsula to estimate the total number of dead deer on the ground in the spring of 1962.
Results of the small game kill survey and the archery deer kill on Drummong Island for 1956.
Elk hunters were contacted after the 2014 hunting season to estimate hunter participation, hunter satisfaction, and elk seen and harvested.
Report containing information about other recreation areas, submitted to the Soil Conservation Service office to show the benefits and use that may result from developing the Portage Marsh in Jackson County.
In 1981, the deer pellet group survey was carried out in all of Michigan's northern deer range. The average over-winter deer population in the Upper Peninsula was estimated to be 287,230 animals, while the average over-winter population in the northern half of the Lower Peninsula was estimated to be 403,250 animals. After legal kill and overwinter losses are taken into account, the two regional, corresponding spring deer population estimates, prior to fawning, were 279,834 animals and 382,389 animals.
Study of resistance to abrasion of muskrat fur to help determine the season of the year producing the most durable fur.
Results of quail whistling counts conducted on 34 routes during the last two weeks of June, 1979. Report includes interpretation and past years' results as comparison.
Report on the successful results of attempts to raise ruffed grouse in captivity at Rose Lake Wildlife Research Area.
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) annually monitors pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) distribution and abundance using summer brood surveys and harvest surveys. Harvest is monitored using mail surveys of randomly selected small game license buyers and a separate survey of volunteer cooperators. The DNR also monitors northern bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) distribution and relative abundance using whistling surveys. This report summarizes the results of these surveys and discusses the upcoming 2003 hunting season.