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Report on the results of a check on the planting program on the Molasses River, initiated in 1933.

Report on the results of the June 1946 check on the planting program at the Cusino State Game Area, initiated in 1939.

Summary of plantings made on the Escanaba River Tract during the fall of 1939 to increase amount of available deer feed.

Summary of planting projects at the Hanson Game Area during fall of 1939 to improve deeryard conditions.

Report summarizing planting projects on ten of the game refuges, public hunting grounds and experiment stations.

Report on the results of the June 1946 check on the planting program at the Ogemaw Game Area, initiated in 1931.

Report summarizing planting projects in various locations in the fall of 1940.

Report on planting of box elder and other trees at the Hanson Game Area.

Memorandum discussing an overview of experimental deeryard management cutting programs in Michigan.

Report on planting project at Cusino State Game Area in the fall of 1941 to improve the Kingston plains for wildlife, particularly prairie chicken and sharp-tailed grouse.

Report on planting project at the Hanson refuge in the fall of 1937 and continued in the spring of 1938 to increase available deer feed and cover.

Report on a planting project at the Ogemaw State Game Area to increase the amount of winter feed available for deer and other species.

Report on planting project at Cusino State Game Area to improve an open grassy area for game, primarily prairie chicken and sharp-tailed grouse, with benefits to other species.

Report on planting project at Oak Grove State Game Area in the spring of 1942 to increase the amount of evergreen cover.

Report on planting project at Barry County State Game Area in the fall of 1941 to improve abandoned farm lands for game.

Summary of planting project on the Munuscong Public Hunting Ground in the spring of 1940, focused on the north edge of the Kemp Deeryard.

Report on a study to determine how logging affects the capacity of the deeryard.

Summary of experimental plantings (Cusino planting project) during the fall of 1939 to determine whether or not areas could be improved as a habitat for prairie chickens and sharp-tailed grouse.

Report on the 1940 spring planting on the Molasses River Game Area.

Report of a trip to Wisconsin to observe the deer feeding operations there.

Summary and totals of planting projects at various locations (refuges, hunting areas, experiment/research centers) in the fall of 1939.

Summary of planting project on the Iosco Game Area during the fall of 1939 to improve habitat for deer and game birds.

Report on an experimental planting project in cooperation with the Forestry Division to improve an area for game and to test the adaptability of various types of planting stock.

Report on a committee meeting held to discuss and formulate a program for the Cusino Deer Feeding Experiments for the winter of 1939-1940.

Transcript of speech given at the Wisconsin and Upper Michigan Section of the Society of American Foresters in 1940.

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