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This collection consists of materials relating to the Patterson family, many items relating to William J. Evans. It includes a circular on soldier's bounty; an application for pension; an officers certificate of disability; a declaration for original invalid pension.

 This collection consists of muster-out and voucher forms dating 1864-1866. There are four types of records in the collection: detachment muster-out forms (showing name, rank, age, when, where, and by whom enrolled and mustered, when and by whom last paid, allowances given for travel, subsistence, clothing, equipment, and remarks); individual muster-outs (shows the same information as the first, plus data on pay rate and bounty received); regimental muster-outs (gives same information as the second, but does so for all members of a given company); and vouchers documenting pay to officers for salary, clothing, subsistence, and hired private servants. The servants were black, and the forms give their name, height, eye color, and hair color. The collection is arranged numerically by regiment, with infantry and cavalry units listed first. A name index has been prepared for easy access to the records.


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