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Ernst Floeter is a former German soldier who served as a Prisoner of War of the United States during World War II. He is interviewed by Bob Garrett of the Archives of Michigan. 

 Narrative documents Fisher's experiences as a prisoner of war in Germany from December 1944 to April 1945. Fisher, a member of the Medical Detachment, 589th Field Artillery Battalion of the 106th Infantry Division, was injured and captured by the Germans during the Battle of the Bulge. He was caught in the town of Schoenberg, Belgium and served time in these prisoner of war camps located in Germany: Stalag IV-B (Muhlberg), Stalag VIII-A (Gorlitz), and Stalag XI-B (Fallingbostel). This 7-page document includes basic description of his capture, life in the POW camps, and liberation by the British on April 16, 1945. After a brief time in a British hospital (Oxford), he returned to the States convalesced and attended rehab in Miami (June-July, 1945). Fisher finished out his service in the surgical ward of Camp McCoy Station Hospital in Wisconsin. He was discharged from service on November 16, 1945.

Schoolcraft County (Mich.)

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