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This collection contains audio recordings of daily and special sessions of the Michigan Senate in 2015. The recordings document the debates, discussions, and procedural matters occurring on the floor of the Senate.
This collection consists of architectural drawings of Michigan's State Capitol designed by Elijah Myers. Not all of the original drawings survived.
The collection contains audio recordings of daily and special sessions of the Michigan Senate in 2022. The recordings document the debates, discussions and procedural matters occurring on the floor of the Senate.
This collection contains audio recordings of daily and special sessions of the Michigan Senate in 2021. The recordings document debates, discussion and procedural matters occurring on the floor of the Senate.
This collection contains audio recordings of daily and special sessions of the Michigan Senate from 2016-2019. The recordings document the debates, discussions, and procedural matters occurring on the floor of the Senate.
This collection contains audio recordings of daily and special sessions of the Michigan Senate in 2020. The recordings document debates, discussion and procedural matters occurring on the floor of the Senate.
This collections contains meetings records from the Department of Technology, Management and Budget (DTMB), Office of Performance Management records from the executive-level, cross-agency Customer Service Partnership meetings dated 2011 through 2017. Records include meeting agendas, notes, presentations, quarterly reports, and project reports focusing on CPS' interaction and partnership with state agencies and departments. The collection also contains CSP Security Committee Meeting minutes dated 2011 through 2017.
This collection consists of promotional films created by the Michigan Department of Conservation and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources from ca. 1949-1979. The films cover a variety of topics, including wildlife, plant life, lumber, reforestation, and fishing. Not all films have been digitized.
This collection consists of audio recordings of Michigan Senate floor sessions from 2015.
This collection contains audio recordings of regular House of Representatives floor sessions from September 2016 to June 2018.
This collection contains newsletters sent to users of the Center for Educational Performance and Information's data entry systems. Topics include system updates, reports, monthly announcements and guidance for data entry.
This collection contains a database of School Codes for Michigan School Districts. Data includes School name, address, city, and grade set. Records are a Database file, so researchers accessing these files will need a .DBF file reader. This collection also contains a list of code definitions and meanings.
This collection includes Home School Student data in the state of Michigan (2001-2014). Data includes students in grades Pre K-12, ISD Codes, and basic courses being taught.
This collection contains yearly exports of data about school safety from Michigan's School Infrastructure Database. Data elements included are related to bullying, violent crime, opioid antagonist use and Epi-pen use. Data was entered by school district officials and data entry manuals are included with the records.
This collection contains data from the Educational Entity Master for 2017-2019. The Educational Entity Master is a database maintained by the State of Michigan's Center for Educational Performance and Information and includes more than 47 fields of data related to each school building in the state. Data submission instructions and a glossary of terms are also included with the data.
This collection contains data pertaining to the Graduation and Dropout rates in Michigan School Districts (1998-2006). Data includes school or building name, enrollment rates, graduation and dropout rates.
This collection contains data about graduation and dropout rates for school districts in Michigan. Data is reported by school districts through the Michigan Student Data System throughout the school year and reports are produced annually. The beginning of each report includes the methodology used to analyze the data.
This collection contains data about graduation and dropout rates for school districts in Michigan. Data is reported by school districts through the Michigan Student Data System throughout the school year and reports are produced annually. The beginning of each report includes the methodology used to analyze the data.
This collection includes records pertaining to Graduation and Dropout rates in Michigan School Districts (2011-2013). Records include documents that highlight understanding the acquisition of data, frequently asked questions, and word definitions.
This collection contains data to track the graduation and dropout rate of students attending Local Education Agencies, Public School Agencies and Intermediate School Districts, as well as district-level data (2007-2012).
This collection includes records pertaining to Graduation and Dropout rates in Michigan School Districts (2015). Records include the report on the Graduation and Drop-out rates, understanding the data collected, and a Frequently Asked Questions sheet.
This collection contains statistics pertaining to the Graduation and Drop-Out rates in Michigan School Districts (2015-2016). Records include statistical data and supporting documents to help understand the data collection.
This collection contains a database of Graduation and Dropout Rates in Michigan School Districts (2012-2014). The document contains database definitions for the Graduation and Dropout rates.
Similar to Michigan Public Schools, nonpublic schools are required to submit data to the Center for Educational Performance and Information. This collection contains the student count for Michigan nonpublic schools from 2001-2014. Data includes the school name, code, grade level, number of students, and teacher information. Some files will require either Microsoft Excel or a Database file reader.