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This accession contains records from State Representative Kyra Harris Bolden dated 2019 through 2022. The accession includes correspondences with constituents, photographs from events, legislative material related to bills and committees, office operations, and media interaction. Representative Bolden was elected to the 35th Representative District (Southfield) in 2019, so a significant amount of her work revolved around the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact the crisis had on her district.
Oakland County (Mich.)
This collection contains weekly statistical reports on public comments and requests to Governor Rick Snyder's administration. It also includes form letter responses related to frequently raised issues.
This collection contains statistics related to public comments and requests during Governor Rick Snyder's administration. Comments and requests are broken down by topic and method of contact.
This collection documents constituent outreach events around the State of Michigan during Governor Rick Snyder's administration. Events were held at fairs and festivals, Department of Human Services field offices, and senior centers. Records include schedules, promotional material and photographs.
This collection contains proclamations issued by Governor Rick Snyder to raise awareness of causes, events, people and organizations.
This collection contains letters and email from Governor Rick Snyder's administration to the Michigan Legislature. The correspondence is related to the governor addressing the legislature. The collection also includes background material for each of the addresses.
This collection contains letters explaining why Governor Rick Snyder vetoed or signed particular bills passed by the legislature during his administration.
This collection contains a list of votes cast by Lieutenant Governor Brian Calley to break ties in the Michigan Senate.
This collection contains the text of Governor Rick Snyder's state of the state addresses along with supplementary material such as programs, infographics, overviews and outlines.
This collection contains records related to Governor Rick Snyder's executive budget presentations. It includes presentation slides, budget summaries, infographics, photographs, and press releases.
This collection contains letters and certificates for people and organizations in Michigan from Governor Rick Snyder to acknowledge accomplishments, milestones and events.
This collection contains legislative tributes issued during Governor Rick Snyder's administration. The tributes were issued to commemorate significant milestones for individuals, businesses and organizations in Michigan.
This collection contains statistics related to the number of appreciation letters sent to new enlistees, re-enlisting members, and officer candidate school graduates for the Michigan Air National Guard and the Michigan Army National Guard.
This collection contains meeting minutes, agendas, and reports from the Office of Foundation Liaison during Governor Rick Snyder's administration.
This collection contains audio and video files from Governor Rick Snyder's administration. The files document interviews, events and speeches.
This collection contains media advisories from Governor Rick Snyder's administration The advisories list dates, times, and topics for public appearances by the governor, first lady, and lieutenant governor.
This collection contains letters from Governor Rick Snyder to Secretary of State Ruth Johnson requesting special elections to fill vacancies in Congress and the Michigan Legislature. The letters list the vacant seat, the reason for the vacancy, filing deadlines and election dates.
This collection contains records related to emergencies and disasters in Michigan that required federal assistance. Records include correspondence and agreements with the Federal Emergency Management Administration and federal officials.
This collection contains letters designating staff to act on behalf of Governor Rick Snyder and Lieutenant Governor Brian Calley at State Administrative Board meetings.
This collection contains international agreements between the State of Michigan and several countries regarding trade and sister states.
This collection contains executive directives from Governor Rick Snyder's administration. Executive directives establish guidelines, rules of conduct, or rules of procedures for state departments and their employees. Topics covered include IT infrastructure, procurement, hiring practices and cooperation with federal and local government units.
This collection contains executive orders from Governor Rick Snyder's administration. Executive orders may reorganize agencies within the executive branch of state government, reassign functions among executive branch agencies, create temporary agencies, establish an advisory body, commission, or task force, proclaim or end an emergency, or reduce expenditures authorized by appropriations.
This collection contains letters from Governor Rick Snyder requesting that the Michigan Supreme Court issue opinions about the constitutionality of laws that have been passed but not yet enacted.
This collection contains editorials written by Lieutenant Governor Brian Calley. Topics covered include tax reform, mental health, and the opioid crisis.
This collection contains newsletters prepared by the State of Michigan's Washington, D.C. Office that outline Congressional activity relevant to Michigan residents, news related to Michigan legislators, and federal department actions that affect Michigan.