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This collection includes a diary of William H. Horton (1864) which includes a record of daily events through Aug. 28, 1864; infrequent entries through Oct., detailing mainly weather, picket duties, transfers, drills and inspections; a mention of the Battle of Mortonsford, Feb. 6, 1864, Spotsylvania, May 12, 1864; list of letters received and answered; expenditures at commissary; list of members of Company E, 26th Michigan Volunteers, including officers, privates, accounts of deaths, missing, promotions, and transfers; and a clothing account.

This collection consists of a newspaper obituary for Hiram Spear, dated May 15, 1914; discharge papers for Spear, dated Dec. 29, 1863; and discharge papers for Spear with battles participated in listed on the back, dated July 30, 1866. Spear was in the 8th Michigan Infantry, Co. I.

 This collection consists of a letter from Eugene Joseph Stocking, Camp Buford, Oct. 4, 1863, to his parents. The letter includes a list of battles in which Stocking participated.

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