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This collection contains correspondences of Solomon V. Munger, his wife Amanda Munger, and his son, Hiram Munger from 1862-1864. A majority of the correspondences are between Solomon and Amanda, but there are several that are written to Hiram and other family members.
Barry County (Mich.)
This is a collection of approximately 60 Civil War letters written by Captain William A. Barnard of the 20th Michigan Infantry, from a period of 1861 to 1865. These letters contain much interesting information and description of the country, the battles and army life. Also in the collection is a program of the 1869 July Fourth celebration in Lansing, a letter from C.G. Conn referring to Captain Barnard, a photograph of the captain and his obituary notice.
This collection consists of one diary arranged as one series: 1. Diary, 1863. Bound diary kept by Jeffery W. Perry for the year 1863. Predominantly discusses the weather but with some brief comments about events in Perry's camp and the war in general. In the back of the diary is a list of dates on which he wrote letters and to whom he wrote, plus a brief ledger of expenses.
This collection was donated by Sterling Lee, Paddock's great, great grandson in 1991. It consists of a diary written by Paddock as a member of the First Regiment, Michigan Light Artillery. Describes camp life and military engagements from Jan. 1862 to April 1865. It also contains a portrait of Byron and a photograph of members of Battery F, 1st Michigan Light Artillery.
Coldwater (Mich.)
This collection consists of the Civil War diary of Sgt. Lorenzo A. Barker of Company D, 66th Illinois Veteran Volunteers, Western Sharpshooters, 2nd Brigade, 4th Division, 15th Army Corps.
This collection consists of various letters from Darwin Babbitt to his parents, dating from Jan. 21, 1864 to Mar. 20, 1864. The collection also includes letters to S.A. Babbitt concerning his son's capture and as a prisoner, ca. July 1864; discharge papers of Darwin Babbitt of the 5th Michigan Cavalry, June 1865, at Fort Leavenworth, Kan.; and copied pages from Soldier's and sailor's almanac for 1865 with marginal notes relating to Babbitt being taken prisoner.
This collection consists several photostatic letters from George C. Gordon, Company I, 24th Michigan Infantry, to his wife, covering the period from Oct. 11, 1862 to May 31, 1865, and contain comments on battles, camp life and military politics. The collection also contains a program of the sixth annual re-union of the 24th Michigan Infantry held in Detroit, Dec. 14, 1874 and a photostatic letter from Mary Cooper, Secretary of the Leesville Patrons of Husbandry, Leesville, April 24, 1877 to George C. Gordon requesting him to address the Patrons.
This collection contains letters to and from various members of the Bush family. The letters largely focus on the Civil War, or aspects of the conflict.
This collection consists of letters from Lemuel Osborn to his wife, Eunice, dating 1851, and 1865-1865. The collection includes a letter from Osborn from the gold fields of Calif. He describes his activities at the diggings and includes a list of provisions and their costs. The remaining letters were all written during Osborn's participation in the Civil War. They describe his feelings, troubles, hopes, and movements during the last years of the war.
This collection contains various Civil War documents of George Benton Arnold of Company D, 20th Michigan Infantry, including an ambrotype of Benton, his dairies (Jan. 1, 1863-Feb. 3, 1864, 1864, 1865), a letter to his sister (Nov. 7, 1862), his various commissioning papers, his discharge papers (May 30, 1865), his certificates of service, Michigan Adjutant General's Office (1904 and 1912), and an application of officer for correction of muster (Jan. 24, 1899).
This collection consists of papers of Charles F. Smith. The collection includes 12 letters from Smith to his family, dating from Apr. 21, 1861(?) to July 23, 1865, and a diary of Smith's, dated Oct. 11, 1864, while he was a prisoner of war.
Niles (Mich.)
Letters and envelopes from Ainslie to his wife, Mary Ann Lowrie Ainslie, in Waterford, describing his life as a soldier during the Civil War, chiefly in Kentucky and Tennessee; together with obituaries from local newspapers relating to Mary Ainslie's death.
Waterford (Mich.)
This collection consists of the 1864 Civil War diary of William A. Dewey of Leslie, Mich. Dewey entered service in Company A, 20th Michigan Infantry. He was commisioned a 2nd lieutenant, July 31, 1862 and made a captain on Dec. 30, 1862. He mustered, April 25, 1863 and was killed in action near Petersberg, Va., June 18, 1864.
Leslie (Mich.)
Civil War diaries, 1863-1865. Consists of three small pocket diaries with daily entries of a paragraph or less discussing the daily life of Henry Albert Potter, when he served with the Fourth Michigan Calvary. The 1865 diary also has a calendar, a list of eclipses, a list of Sundays, distances and time by railroad from New York, rates of postage for both domestic and foreign mail, the population of the United States-slave and free for 1860, the Rebellion record from 1861 through 1864, and an almanac for 1865.
This collection consists of the 1864 Civil War diary of Sergeant James W. Howd of Duplain Township, Mich., who enlisted in the 1st Michigan Cavalry, Co. D. as a corporal, Aug. 12, 1861 at Ovid, Mich. at age 20. He mustered Sept. 7, 1861, and was discharged at the end of his 3 year enlistment, at Washington, D.C., on Aug. 24, 1864. Following the war, he lived in Ithaca, Mich.
Ithaca (Mich.)
This collection consists of the Civil War diaries of George W. Myers, dating 1863 to 1864. The diaries document his life before enlisting in 1864 and his service in the 13th Michigan Infantry. He offers a brief, but stirring account of the Civil War. He details the many deaths due to disease and illness caused by the war. There are many references to his attendance at Bible studies and church services. He entitled this firsthand account, Penciling by the way. There is also two photographs from 1919 and 1920 of the 5th Michigan Infantry Reunions.
MS 91-58 consists of materials documenting John H. Starkweather and the Starkweather family, who were originally from New York. Some family members moved to Michigan in the 1840's (Detroit area) and after the Civil War, continued west into Kansas and Minnesota. This small, eclectic collection includes the New Testament bible carried by Starkweather during the Civil War, a letter written by him on the back of a cigar wrapper (1861), his pension papers (1892, 1907); and miscellaneous papers, such as an 1861 pass given to John during the War, and Marion County, Kansas fair ticket (1882). The collection also includes photographs or obituaries of Starkweather family members, all who were descendants of Hilus H. Starkweather. Identified photographs include Perry, Mary Jane (John's siblings) and Asa Starkweather. Obituaries include James, Christopher Columbus, Sophia (all John's siblings), Wiiliam Hilus (John's son), and Clifton C. Starkweather (Christopher Columus Starkweather's son).
This collection consists of personal papers of Asa L. Landon, covering the dates 1863-1919. The collection consists of letters sent home from the front by Landon, his military discharge, his marriage certificate, the marriage certificate of Fred J. Landon and Anna Grugel, documents acknowledging the Asa Landon was a 32⁰ Mason, deeds to a plot in Mount Hope Cemetery, and pension records for Landon and his wife. The collection is arranged alphabetically.
This collection consists of one diary arranged as one series: 1. Civil War diary, 1861-64. Kept by John L. Rolison as he participated in the war. Entries concern descriptions of the weather, the living conditions, and activities of the unit.
This collection includes a diary of William H. Horton (1864) which includes a record of daily events through Aug. 28, 1864; infrequent entries through Oct., detailing mainly weather, picket duties, transfers, drills and inspections; a mention of the Battle of Mortonsford, Feb. 6, 1864, Spotsylvania, May 12, 1864; list of letters received and answered; expenditures at commissary; list of members of Company E, 26th Michigan Volunteers, including officers, privates, accounts of deaths, missing, promotions, and transfers; and a clothing account.
Manuscript Collection 2008-46 contains materials of or relating to Henry and Nancy Ewing. Includes correspondence (1855-1965, mostly dated 1865-1865); scrapbooks and notebooks (1861-1865, 1893) kept by the Ewing family; and photographs (1864, 1888), four carte de visites and one tintype, of various members of the Ewing family. The four carte de visites are of Civil War soldiers D.C. Cherington, Andy Ewing, Alvin Hank, and T.C. Radabaugh. The tintype is of Mack Ewing, Alvin Hank, and Andy Ewing taken in 1888.
This collection consists of the diary of Darwin H. Babbitt, a private in the 5th Michigan Cavalry, Co. K. The diary discusses daily events through May 27, 1864, including reviews by Generals Meade, Custer, Grant and Sheridan, and movements through Richmond, Yorktown, Alexandria, and Fairfax, Virginia.
This collection consists a mixture of materials relating to William Anderson's experience during the Civil War. Most of the collection contains personal correspondences, but other records in the collection document Anderson's brief internment in Libby Prison, Virginia through a series of newspaper articles published by The Plainwell news, in 1903, and a postcard of Libby Prison, which dates ca. 1900? This collection also contains Anderson's pension papers (1875-1900), a small photograph of the 19th Michigan Infantry drummers, and information on reunions of the 19th Infantry (1891, 1895). Other miscellaneous records include broadsides and information about land deals and homestead opportunities for Civil War veterans (1865-1899). Also includes a photocopy of Recollections of grandfather Monteith's manner of living (14 pages) and Memoranda of family history (35 pages). These short articles were written by Churchill Roberts (ca. 1890).
Allegan County (Mich.)
This collection consists of two folders. The first contains original correspondence and typed transactions of that correspondence. The second folder contains a compact disc of digitally scanned images of the same correspondence. The letters date 1863, except for one, which dates 1898. C.L. Leach wrote the 1898 letter to George Bush, and in it Leach notes that he is now married and lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He mentions people that he and George both know and asks George to write with any news. Frederick wrote some of the 1863 letters, and Christian, Jr. wrote the others. They are all addressed to their father, Christian Sr., and their brother George. The brothers reflect on the war and describe their experiences. They reveal a disdain for both abolitionists and African Americans and seem to regard the abolitionists in particular as a main cause of the war. The brothers describe some of their combat experiences. Gettysburg is among the battles described by Frederick (Christian was apparently hospitalized at the time). The brothers provide opinions of other men and officers and on the progress of the war. They seemed to often feel that generals were too slow to attack. They sometimes commented on medical care, their health and the weather and expressed longings to return home.
This collection consists of two Civil War letters, dating 1863 and 1864 from Erwin Welsh, 67th Ohio Infantry, Company I. One of the letters is to his wife, Jennie.
Baltimore (Md.), Richmond (Va.)