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 This collection consists of letters dating from Sept. 16, 1861-Sept. 24, 1862, written by Stephen B. DeLano, C.H. Goodrich (his cousin), and Capt. Theodore Reese, all of Company F, 3rd Regiment, Michigan Cavalry Volunteers. The letters were written to family members in Cooper, Mich. commenting on general topics such as farming, weather, the war, and life in military camps. Also in the collection is a diary dating Dec. 17, 1861(?)-June 3, 1862, which the donor assumes was kept by DeLano; DeLano's certificate of health; and a military pass.

Camp Benton (Mo.), Cooper (Mich.)

This collection consists of a typescript diary of James W. Hoffman, 3rd Michigan Cavalry, Company F, recording events from Apr. 21, 1861 to June 15, 1863; Hoffman's discharge papers (Jan. 18, 1864 and Feb 12,1866).

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