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This collection consists of ALS from Thomas Larabell, Shenandoah Valley, August 27, 1862 to his wife (Larabell was in Company C., Fifth Regiment Michigan Infantry (Kearney's Division))

This collection consists of one diary arranged as one series: 1. Diary, 1863. Bound diary kept by Jeffery W. Perry for the year 1863. Predominantly discusses the weather but with some brief comments about events in Perry's camp and the war in general. In the back of the diary is a list of dates on which he wrote letters and to whom he wrote, plus a brief ledger of expenses.

 This collection consists of papers relating to the Fifth Michigan Infantry and Hamilton Potter (ca. 1839-1919). Potter served in Company B of that regiment. He mustered into the regiment at Pontiac (January 19, 1864), was wounded in action (May 5, 1864), and discharged on a disability certificate (May 9, 1865). The collection includes Potter's pension certificate (1910) and that of his widow, Rosetta Potter (1919). The papers also include photographs of the Fifth Michigan reunions at Mount Clemens (1919) and Detroit (1920), and brochures documenting the 1907 reunion of the Fifth Michigan Infantry, the 1903 reunion of the Fifteenth Michigan Infantry, and the 1927 encampment of veterans from the Civil War, Spanish American War, and Veterans of Foreign Wars. The few newspaper clippings, gathered by Harold Reichtmyer, detail the number of Civil War veterans still living in the late 1930s. The collection also includes an undated obituary of Rosetta Potter, who married Hamilton Potter in 1867, and lived to the age of 80.

This collection consists of documents of, or relating to James D. Elderkin. The collection includes his enlistment papers as principal musician of the 4th Regiment of Infantry Band dated 1849; his re-enlistment certificate as leader of the 5th Michigan Infantry Regimental Band dated 1862; his discharge certificate as Fife Major, First (3 months) from the Michigan Infantry Volunteers, dated 1861; a receipt from the Library of Congress for Biographical sketches and anecdotes of a soldier of three wars, written by himself / by James D. Elderkin, dated May 1, 1899; a notice of issue and fees of the Dept. of Interior, Bureau of Pensions for 1863; a letter to Elderkin from Thomas R. McConnell, Dec. 27, 1853, commending him for his service; and the muster out roll of the 5th Regiment Infantry band, dated Aug. 9, 1862.

Consists of transfer rolls.

Consists of transfer rolls.

Consists of transfer rolls.

Consists of transfer rolls.

Consists of transfer rolls.

Consists of transfer rolls.

Consists of transfer rolls.

Consists of transfer rolls.

Consists of transfer rolls.

Consists of transfer rolls.

Consists of transfer rolls.

Consists of transfer rolls.

Consists of transfer rolls.

Consists of transfer rolls.

Consists of transfer rolls.

Consists of monthly returns.

Consists of monthly returns.

Consists of monthly returns.

Consists of monthly returns.

Consists of monthly returns.

Consists of monthly returns.

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