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Conservation Officer Troy Bahlau with a set of confiscated trophy antlers from a poached white-tailed deer, in Jackson County.
DNR employees fit a white-tailed deer with a radio collar for a predator/prey research project. The project will provide information about the local deer population and the effects of predators on it.
Scientiests performing necropsies on white-tailed deer heads at the DNR Wildlife Disease Laboratory in Lansing.
DNR Wildlife Division employees check the tooth wear and count points on a hunter's white-tailed buck to help determine the animal's age and health. These primarily voluntary check stations help biologists monitor the herd's well-being.
A hunter with disabilities poses with his white-tailed deer kill. Over the years, the DNR has partnered with other organizations to make many of the state game and state wildlife areas in southern Michigan more accessible for individuals with disabilities.
DNR employees collect data on a white-tailed deer for a predator/prey research project, which will provide information about the local deer population and the effects of predators on it.
Hunter Marc Anthony with his white-tailed deer kill on the Fort Custer Freedom Hunt, a special firearm hunt put on by the DNR Wildlife Division for hunters with disabilities.
DNR employees release a white-tailed deer after it has been tagged with an ear tag.
A young hunter and her mentor excited about her white-tailed deer kill.
Preliminary report on the data collected of the 1957 deer season (including regular and special seasons).
Memorandum clarifying deer problems in region II and the need for practical studies to aid in their management.
Results of the annual mail survey for opinions of deer hunters on various subjects.
Talk given at the Minnesota Game Protective League on the history and status of deer in Michigan.
Report on the status and conditions of deer on North Manitou Island, 1957-1958.