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Michigan Conservation was produced by the Michigan Department of Conservation. This video features Chuck Floyd and talks about archery hunting in Michigan in 1956, as well as the sports increased popularity among men and women in the state. The duration of the video is 14:13.
Letter from Jerome Kroll to his brother dated July 17, 1864. In this letter, he discusses hunting and the Confederates taking his knapsack.
Petersburg (Va.)
Letter from Jerome Kroll to his father dated January 12, 1862. In this letter, he discusses family and friends enlisting, hunting, and a funeral of a friend.
Lansing (Mich.)
Letter from Frederick and Christian Bush to his brother dated October 23, 1863. In the letter, Frederick mentions the care package he has sent his family, including souvenirs from the Battle of Williamsport in Maryland. The letter concludes with a message from Christian, describing a skirmish and hunting.
Gainesville (Va.)
Adult shows off youth's rabbit kill. Small-game hunting is a popular method to acquaint youth with the joys of hunting.
Hunter stands with his dog, showing off his ring-necked pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) kill.
A deer exhibit, including white-tailed deer and elk, at the Carl T. Johnson Hunting and Fishing Center in Cadillac.
Adult and youth collect an American Beaver (Castor canadensis) from a trap. The DNR has established specific trapping seasons when furbearers may be taken. Wildlife biologists recognize trapping as an important wildlife management tool and regulate and scientifically monitor trapping to ensure that the most humane methods are used and that the population is never endangered.
Conservation Officer Troy Bahlau with a set of confiscated trophy antlers from a poached white-tailed deer, in Jackson County.
The 2009 annual Atlanta Elk Pole Contest, where hunters can display their elk kills to the public and win prizes.
A group of waterfowl hunters cross the water in their boat after setting decoys (in the foreground).
70-year old Vern Kruithof poses with his 2009 540-pound elk bull kill, after forty years of waiting to win in the license lottery. An elk license is one of the most difficult hunting licenses to obtain in Michigan.
Young hunter and his dog show off his wood duck and mallard duck kills as part of the Pure Michigan Hunt. Pure Michigan Hunt is a program set up by the DNR to raise money to fund wildlife habitat restoration and improvement. Three winners are drawn from the applicants, and these hunters win donated prizes (including a firearm and crossbow) and are able to participate in every limited-access hunt Michigan has, elk, bear, spring and fall wild turkey, and antlerless deer, as well as take first pick in a managed waterfowl area reserved hunt.
A pair of hunters walk back to their decoys with their Canada goose (Branta canadensis) kills.