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A survey of turkey hunters was conducted following the 2015 spring hunting season to determine turkey harvest and hunter participation.

Report on a study of the different types of hunters based on sex and age by analyzing 1975 hunting license and population data.

Report on the methods that may be used to accurately obtain information about the number of licensees - as opposed to licenses bought - eliminating the problem of duplicates.

Report discussing the county of residence of the hunters participating in the Allegan County special deer hunts, 1941-1956.

A survey of deer hunters was conducted following the 2014 hunting seasons to estimate hunter participation, harvest, and hunting effort.

A random sample of bear hunters after the 2015 hunting season to determine hunter participation, hunting methods, bear harvest, and hunter satisfaction.

Report on a study of the correlation between hunter satisfaction and restricting hunting numbers among deer hunters. The study looks into whether restricting hunting numbers is a viable tool for deer managers in attempting to increase hunter satisfaction.

Study incorporating a survey of bear hunters to determine hunter success, days afield, hunter satisfaction and hunter interference within portions of the Red Oak Bear Management Unit during the 2008 hunting season.

Study incorporating a survey of bear hunters to determine hunter success, days afield, hunter satisfaction and hunter interference within portions of the Red Oak Bear Management Unit during the 2009 hunting season.

A survey was completed to determine the number of harvest tag holders who set traps for marten and fisher, the number of animals caught, the types of traps used, and the number of days spent trapping.

Report on data gathered relating to white-tailed deer, including hunting estimates, harvest numbers, herd statistics and population.

A survey was completed to determine the number of people hunting and trapping bobcats in Michigan, the number of days spent afield (effort), and the number of bobcats registered.

This report contains estimates of number of hunters and harvests for the 1979 ruffed grouse and woodcock season. Hunter numbers (231,200) were up slightly, about three percent, over 1978. The grouse harvest increased 2.8 percent over 1978 with 723,910 birds harvested. The woodcock kill, in spite of a poor flush record, increased 4.1 percent with 321,830 birds taken.

Report on the results of the deer season at the Rifle River Area in Ogemaw County.

A survey of bear hunters was conducted after the 2019 hunting season to determine hunter participation, hunting methods, bear harvest, and hunter satisfaction.

This report documents a survey of deer hunters conducted following the 2019 hunting seasons to estimate hunter participation, harvest, and hunting effort.

Youth pheasant hunts conducted by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources during late summer 1981 and 1982 provided an additional opportunity to learn about Michigan's young hunters. The hunts put first-time hunters who had recently completed a Hunter Education course under controlled conditions with a high probability of observing and shooting at pheasants. As a result, good safety habits could be established under the watchful eye of an adult. It was hoped that numerous shooting opportunities would improve shooting and hunting techniques, provide a satisfying initial hunt, and stimulate hunting interest. The current report summarizes both years of the project (1981 and 1982) and makes recommendations for future youth hunts. A total of 38 and 102 young hunters participated in the 1981 and 1982 hunts, respectively. Most (68%) of the participants were under 14 years of age. During both years, single-shot shotguns were the most common firearm used, followed by pumps and double-barrels. Approximately half (49%) of the hunters used 20- gauge guns, followed by 12 (21%) and .410 (19%) gauges. The young hunters saw an average of 8.5 cocks during an average of 2.6 hours of hunting in 1981 and 5.4 legal pheasants during 3.1 hours of hunting in 1982. They shot at about half of the legal birds they saw. Approximately 97% and 92% of the young hunters fired at least once during the 1981 and 1982 hunts, respectively. Young hunters bagged an average of 1.0 birds/hunter during 1981 and 0.9 birds/hunter during 1982.

Results of a survey to determine the number of people hunting sharp-tailed grouse, the number of days hunting, and the number of sharp-tailed grouse harvested in Michigan during the 2010 season.

Results from opening day of hunting at Waterloo Recreational Area after a six-year closure, with information about hunting numbers, kills, hunter demographics and procedure for re-opening the area.

Survey of a random sample of bear hunters contacted after the 2009 hunting season to determine hunter participation, hunting methods, bear harvest, and hunter satisfaction.

A survey of deer hunters was conducted following the 2015 hunting seasons to estimate hunter participation, harvest, and hunting effort.

A survey was completed to determine the number of people hunting and trapping bobcats in Michigan, the number of days spent afield (effort), and the number of bobcats registered.

A study of young hunters in 1975. Youth who purchased hunting licenses were surveyed, and this report contains the results, including demographics of respondents, hunting satisfaction, non-consumptive uses of wildlife, hunting ethics, environmental knowledge, perceptions of hunter safety training, and factors influencing hunters attitudes and behaviors.

Result of a survey done to investigate the relationship between hunter’s age and deer harvest in Michigan and to use this relationship to predict the number of deer harvested in Michigan during 2005-2020.

A survey was completed to determine the number of people hunting sharp-tailed grouse, the number of days hunting, and the number of sharp-tailed grouse harvested in Michigan.

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