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Letter from Giles B. Allen to his mother, Nancy Allen, dated July 2, [1862]. In this letter, he discusses the mail, the health of his regiment, the weather, and finances.

Baton Rouge (La.)

Letter from Alphonso Crane to his sister, Lura, dated April 12, 1863. In this letter, he discusses the mail, sending a photograph, and the status of his regiment.

Lebanon (Ky.)

Letter from Alphonso Crane to his father, William Crane, dated March 10, 1862. In this letter, he discusses his father's health, the mail, Copperheads, the Conscription Act of 1863, and emancipation.

Newport News (Va.)

Letter from Darwin Babbitt to his parents dated January 28, 1864. In this letter, he discusses the weather, Confederate deserters, Union soldiers fighting for the Confederacy, and desiring a package full of supplies (including clothing, books, and boots, sewing kits, and apples). 

Stevensburg (Va.)

Letter from George Gordon to his wife, Carrie Gordon, dated May 31, 1865. In this letter, he discusses coming home and the mail. 

Camp Butler (Ill.)

Letter from Leonard G. Loomis to Elizabeth Abbott dated January 3, 1864. In this letter, he expresses his enjoyment of writing, laments the postal service, discusses southern society in Louisiana, and describes a Confederate prisoner of war in his watch on the Provost Guard.

Plaquemines Parish (La.), Louisiana

Letter from Leonard G. Loomis to Elizabeth Abbott dated February 3, 1863. In this letter, he describes his duties, the availability and cost of food, rumors of a revolution in the north, and the Byron (Mich.) community.

Byron (Mich.)

Letter from Leonard G. Loomis to Elizabeth Abbott dated October 16, 1862. In this letter, he expresses his feelings for Elizabeth, relates the status of his regiment, and discusses his brother's enlistment in the war.

Cumberland Mountains, Cumberland Gap

Letter from Leonard G. Loomis dated month day, year. In this letter, he describes soldier life, Provost Guard duty, a draft, abolitionists, and family and community news.

Letter from Leonard G. Loomis to Elizabeth Abbott dated July 27, 1864. In this letter, he describes the process in which his regiment is fortifying the area from rebel attacks, the surrounding area and rumors of the Union Army's movements.

White River (Ark.), St. Charles (Ark.)

Letter from Leonard G. Loomis to Elizabeth Abbott dated October 4, 1863. In this letter, he discusses his new Lee-Enfield Rifle and the likely short duration of his stay in Camp Chase. He goes on to describe a theological discussion that he had with another soldier in camp. He also encourages Elizabeth to write soon as letters will likely not reach him as fast when he journeys back down to Dixie.

Columbus (Ohio), Camp Chase (Ohio)

Letter from Leonard G. Loomis to Elizabeth Abbott dated December 9, 1862. In this letter, he discusses the postal service, status of his regiment, his opinions of different generals, and courting.

Memphis (Tenn.), Kent County (Mich.), Cairo (Ill.)

Letter from Frank Button to his mother, Rebecca Button, dated November 10 and 12, 1862. In this letter, he discusses fortifications around Nashville, his father's health, the mail, becoming a drummer, and finances.

Nashville (Tenn.)

Printed map of Michigan and Wisconsin showing the postal routes used in 1901. This map has been divided into two pieces and encapsulated. The Scale on the original is 1 inch equals 10 miles.

Printed map of Michigan and Wisconsin showing the postal routes used in 1901. This map has been divided into two pieces and encapsulated. The Scale on the original is 1 inch equals 10 miles.

Printed map of Michigan and Wisconsin showing the postal routes used in 1901. This map has been divided into two pieces and encapsulated. The Scale on the original is 1 inch equals 10 miles.

This blue print copy map shows the location of houses in Branch county, Michigan that had mail delivery services in 1911.

Reproduction of a printed map of Barry County, Michigan showing the location of post offices about the year 1915. The scale on the original is 1 inch equals 1 mile.

Printed map showing the postal routes throughout the state of Michigan for the year 1960. The scale on the original is 1 inch equals 9 miles.

This ozlid process map shows the rural postal route for Allegan County, Michigan in 1909.

This blue print copy map shows the location of houses in St. Joseph county, Michigan that had mail delivery services in 1910.

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