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Historical Manuscripts from the Michigan Historical Museum

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Manuscript Collections

Title/Family Name
Description/Given Name

General Orders No. 38 from the Headquarters of the Department of the Ohio dated April 13, 1863 (Cincinnati, Ohio). In these orders, General Burnside outlines criteria for spies.

Confederate envelope smuggled north by Virgil Jones.

Newspaper article regarding George Bassett and Samuel Scott's stay in a Nashville Hospital during the Civil War.

Nashville (Tenn.)

Special Orders No. 101 dated May 30th 1865 from the headquarters of the 1rst Division, 9th Army Corps (Washington, D.C.). In this order, Brevet Major General O.B. Wilson orders the 17th and 20th Michigan and the 190th New York Infantry to proceed to their rendezvous points to be discharged.

General Order No. 9 from the headquarters of the 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 9th Army Corps, dated April 10, 1865. In this order, Brevet Colonel Commanding Ralph Ely congratulates the troops of the second brigade on the Siege of Petersburg.

Petersburg (Va.)

General Orders No. 40 dated April 14, 1863 from Major General Burnside. These General Orders cover supplies, tents, ammunition, food, baggage, and horses.

Transcription of the diary of Ferdinand S. Petway. The diary covers January 19, 1864- November 7, 1864. In the diary, Petway fervently speaks on the Confederate Army,his opinions on the southern society should the Union win, his negative opinions of Union citizens, slavery, the Battle of Franklin, Tenn, Sherman, Grant, Lincoln, the Presidential Election of 1864, and Henry Ward Beecher. Date of transcription unknown.

Russelville, Alabama, Franklin (Tenn.)

Special Orders No. 138 from the Headquarters Department of Henrico. This order grants Private J.J. Spiers, Co. G, 61st Virginia Volunteers 30 days furlough.

General Orders No. 13 from the headquarters of the 9th Army Corps dated November 22, 1862 (Fredericksburg, Va.). In this General Order, General Wilcox congratulate the troops on their behavior and gives advice on battle strategy.

Pass to Annapolis, Maryland for John Wise dated April 9, 1864.

Annapolis (Md.)

General Orders No. 82 dated December 4, 1863 from the headquarters of the First Division, Ninth Army Corps (Knoxville, Tennessee). In this General Order, George A. Hicks congrats the division's officers on their soldiering behavior.

Lyrics to "Jack's New Version of 'Root, Hog, or Die' or 'The Bloody Ninth' in Dixie'".

Chattanooga (Tenn.)

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