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Report Nr. 2857 Gratiot-Saginaw State Game Area Giant Canada Goose Nesting Investigation

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During the spring of 1979, water impoundments on the Gratiot-Saginaw State Game Area were inspected for waterfowl use and wetland habitat evaluation. Incidental to these activities, investigations of nesting giant Canada geese (Branta canadensis maxima) were conducted. The Gratiot-Saginaw State Game Area is located within the breeding range of giant Canada geese; however, breeding success was not apparent until the early 1970's. The recent success of this flock appears to be chiefly related to the development of 717 acres of water impoundments and level ditching islands constructed during the period from 1948-60. Prior to this period, the wetland habitat was not suitable for nesting geese. The purpose of this investigation was to gather data on the present status and breeding success of the flock for use in managing waterfowl habitat on the area. Seventeen giant Canada goose nests were investigated in the Gratiot-Saginaw State Game Area. The nests were located on 10 different floodings which ranged in size from 10 to 60 wetland acres. Three types of nesting sites were utilized at Gratiot-Saginaw State Game Area. The clutch size ranged from two to nine eggs per nest with an average of six eggs.

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