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Report Nr. 3359 Quality Deer Management (QDM) Survey Deer Management Units 032, 076, and 079 (Huron, Sanilac, and Tuscola Counties)

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A survey was completed to determine whether hunters and landowners supported mandatory QDM regulations in Deer Management Units (DMUs) 032, 076, and 079. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) supports the voluntary implementation of QDM practices on private land in Michigan. However, mandatory regulations should be imposed in a DMU only when it can be shown that a clear majority (> 66%) of hunters and landowners support implementation. Questionnaires were sent to a random sample of landowners and hunters; 79% of the landowners and 87% of hunters returned their questionnaire. About 39% of landowners owning land in the affected DMUs, and 36% of people hunting deer in the affected DMUs supported implementing mandatory QDM regulations. Support from both landowners and hunters was insufficient to recommend implementation of mandatory QDM regulations for DMUs 032, 076, and 079.

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