Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Manuscript Collections
Philadelphia Inquirer newspaper clipping dated May 23, 1865. The clipping is in a scrapbook of other articles composed by Luther Byron Baker, who used an old Auditor's General book. The article describes the capture of David Herold.
Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper dated May 20, 1865. The newspaper covers the events of the assassination, the planning of the Booth manhunt, the funeral ceremonies of President Lincoln, and the status of the war.
Letter from L.B. Baker to his brother Henry dated Novemer 28-30, 1863 from Camp Baker. In this letter, Luther Byron discusses his camp life and his engagement with other officers. He also mentions his sister, Phebe, affairs at home, and continues to praise his brother, J. Stannard Baker.
Washington D.C., Annandale (Va)
The Rochester Evening Express newspaper dated April 28, 1865. The newspaper contains articles that cover the events following the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and capture of John Wilkes Booth, as well as the status of the war.
State Republican newspaper clipping dated December 9, 1886. The clipping is in a scrapbook of other articles composed by Luther Byron Baker, who used an old Auditor's General book. The article recounts the escape of John Wilkes Booth and his pursuit by Lt. L.B. Baker.
Letter from L.B. Baker to his sister Luthera dated December 9, 1864 from the Headquarters of the 2nd Brigade, Kautz Cavalry Division. In this letter, Luther Byron discusses home life and his daily business with officers and soldiers. He continues to praise President Lincoln, reports on the status of battles, and mentions Sherman's operations in the South.
Letter from L.B. Baker to his brother Henry dated November 10, 1864 from the Headquarters of the 2nd Brigade, Kautz Cavalry Division. In this letter, Luther Byron describes his role as an aide to Colonel Spear, his duties as Quartermaster, and the results of the 1864 presidential election.
The Philadelphia Inquirer newspaper dated May 23, 1865. The newspaper contains articles that cover the events following the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and capture of John Wilkes Booth, as well as the status of the war.
Soldiers' Bulletin newspaper clipping dated March 31, 1888. The clipping is in a scrapbook of other articles composed by Luther Byron Baker, who used an old Auditor's General book. The article describes Leonard W. Volk, a sculptor, and personal friend of Abraham Lincoln.
Harper's Weekly, A Journal of Civilization magazine page dated December 29, 1866. The magazine describes the capture of John H. Surrat, an accomplice of John Wilkes Booth.
Letter from L.B. Baker to his brother Henry dated July 9, 1863. In this letter, Luther Byron has just returned from a limited trip back home. He describes excitement in Washington D.C. from news of Meade and Lee, a meeting at the White House, and praises President Lincoln. The letter continues by describing the status of his brother, J. Stannard Baker, who is conducted raids along the Potomac River, as well as his position and responsibilies as Quartermaster of the Battalion.
Meade, George, Washington D.C.
Letter from L.B. Baker to his sister Luthera dated September 17, 1864 from the Headquarters of the 2nd Brigade, Kautz Cavalry Division. In this letter, which spans two days, Luther Byron gives a detailed description of the capture of his brother, L. Stannard Baker, with General Kautz. On September 18, General Kautz confirms the report of his capture.
Atlanta Constitution newspaper clipping from a scrapbook of other articles composed by Luther Byron Baker, who used an old Auditor's General book. The article recounts new information regarding the manhunt for John Wilkes Booth.
Star And Times newspaper clippings dated July 25, 1895. The clipping is in a scrapbook of other articles composed by Luther Byron Baker, who used an old Auditor's General book. The article describes Lt L.B. Baker on his lecture circuit.
Letter from L.B. Baker to his sister Luthera dated December 9, 1864 from the Headquarters of the 2nd Brigade, Kautz Cavalry Division. In this letter, Luther Byron unveils his potential move to cavalry division and where to send him mail. He also updates the status of his brother, J. Stannard Baker, as well as personal matters and updates Luthera on military news.
Ingham County Newspaper Clipping dated May 18, 1887. The clipping is in a scrapbook of other articles composed by Luther Byron Baker, who used an old Auditor's General book. The article recounts Lt. L.B. Baker's story of the Booth manhunt.
The Daily Inter Ocean newspaper clipping dated December 24, 1887. The clipping is in a scrapbook of other articles composed by Luther Byron Baker, who used an old Auditor's General book. The article recounts the pursuit and capture of John Wilkes Booth, his horse, and the diary of Booth.
The Gazette, Pennsylvania newspaper clipping dated February 7, 1882. The clipping is in a scrapbook of other articles composed by Luther Byron Baker, who used an old Auditor's General book. The article recounts the Booth manhunt from the Garrett homestead.
Saginaw Courier-Herald newspaper clipping dated March 20, 1890. The clipping is in a scrapbook of other articles composed by Luther Byron Baker, who used an old Auditor's General book. The article describes the lecture provided by Lt. L.B. Baker regarding the Booth manhunt.