Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Manuscript Collections
The Rochester Evening Express newspaper dated April 27, 1865. The newspaper contains various articles dealing with the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War.
Los Angeles Sunday Times newspaper clipping dated February 2, 1890. The clipping is in a scrapbook of other articles composed by Luther Byron Baker, who used an old Auditor's General book. The article recounts the events after the asssasination at Ford's Theater with Captain William Williams.
Chicago Tribune newspaper clipping dated February 17, 1889. The clipping is in a scrapbook of other articles composed by Luther Byron Baker, who used an old Auditor's General book. The article documents the Booth manhunt and is told by L.B. Baker.
The Evening News, Detroit newspaper clipping dated February 22, 1890. The clipping is in a scrapbook of other articles composed by Luther Byron Baker, who used an old Auditor's General book. The article provides a narrative of the manhunt for John Wilkes Booth told by Lt. L.B. Baker.
Letter from L.B. Baker to his brother Henry dated October 9, 1864 from the Headquarters of the 2nd Brigade, Kautz Cavalry Division. In this letter, Luther Byron address the capture of his brother, J. Stannard Baker, at Libby Prison, but then goes into great detail about his latest comabt experience commanded by Colonel Spear and lasting eight days.
The Grand Rapids Daily Democrat newspaper clipping dated May 31, 1889. The clipping is in a scrapbook of other articles composed by Luther Byron Baker, who used an old Auditor's General book. The article recounts the capture and death of John Wilkes Booth, described by Lt. L.B. Baker.
Hillsdale Standard newspaper clipping dated April 13, 1886. The clipping is in a scrapbook of other articles composed by Luther Byron Baker, who used an old Auditor's General book. The article recounts the story of the Lincoln Assassination and the Booth manhunt.
Newspaper clipping dated September 27, 1889. The clipping is in a scrapbook of other articles composed by Luther Byron Baker, who used an old Auditor's General book. The article provides a corrected history of the capture of John Wilkes Booth, provided by Lt. L.B. Baker.
The Progressive Thinker newspaper dated February 14, 1891. The newspaper describes the relationship between Charles Chiniquy and President Abraham Lincoln.
Letter from L.B. Baker to his brother Henry dated September 3, 1864. In this letter, Luther Byron describes his overall health as well as J. Stannard Baker's orders to Old Ream's Station. He briefly mentions the rumors of a regimental change, the results of the Democratic National Convention, and goes into detail of soldier and officer morale.
Ingham County News newspaper clipping dated February 16, 1888. The clipping is in a scrapbook of other articles composed by Luther Byron Baker, who used an old Auditor's General book. The article states the lecture Lt. Luther Byron Baker gave at M.E. Church.
Letter from L.B. Baker to his brother Henry dated June 6, 1863. In this letter, Luther Byron discusses his desire to return home and being together with his family. He also states that his brother, J. Stannard Baker, has become an officer and that his headquarters remains in Washington D.C.
The Evening Express, Rochester newspaper clipping dated April 28, 1865. The clipping is in a scrapbook of other articles composed by Luther Byron Baker, who used an old Auditor's General book. The article describes further information regarding the capture and death of John Wilkes Booth.
Letter from L.B. Baker to his brother Henry Baker dated May 21-22, 1864. In this letter, Luther describes his activities in a camp near Portsmouth, VA, as well as fighting and raids taking place near Richmond, VA.
Richmond (Va.), Portsmouth (Va)
Baltimore American newspaper clipping dated January 21, 1888. The clipping is in a scrapbook of other articles composed by Luther Byron Baker, who used an old Auditor's General book. The article recounts the story of the days after the assassination of President Lincoln.
Charles County
The Sunday Morning Chronicle newspaper dated April 16, 1865. The newspaper is published one day after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, announcing the details of the event. The newspaper also covers the current status of the war.
Harper's Weekly, A Journal of Civilization magazine dated April 29, 1865. A majority of the journal covers the assassin of Abraham Lincoln and the latest news of the Civil War.
Undated lecture notes lectured by Luther Byron Baker and believed to be handwritten by Baker himself. The lecture recounts the events in the pursuit, capture, and death of assassin John Wilkes Booth.