Object Type: Folder
In Folder: RG 2019-30 Wildlife Division Reports, 1937-2017
A Ruffed Grouse (Bonasa umbellus) trap and transplant project was undertaken by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources in the late summer of 1986. The project had a two-fold objective: (1) To complete the contract with the Missouri Conservation Department by shipping the 37-40 grouse in exchange for the wild turkeys (Meleagris gallpavo) already received and (2) to release 60 grouse at Lost Nation State Game Area In Hillsdale County, Michigan. Grouse were transported by commercial airlines on Tuesday and Friday of each week. Upon fulfilling obligations to Missouri, grouse were transported by car to Hi Ilsdale County and released in early morning, starting August 12th. On August 22, 26, and 29, birds were again shipped to St. Louis. After fulfilling that contract, the Hillsdale County release was resumed. A total of 40 birds were shipped to Missouri. Two of the birds were judged unacceptable, but the remaining 38 birds were healthy, thereby fulfilling our obligation to the Missouri Conservation Department. Another 57 birds were trapped and released in the lost Nation State Game Area.