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C.J. Sherman Collection

Object Type: Folder
In Folder: Manuscript Collections

Title/Family Name
Description/Given Name

Letter from Samuel Mathews to his brother and sister dated June 18, 1861. In this letter, he discusses traitors and the status of his regiment.

Letter from Samuel Mathews to his brother and sister dated October 2, 1861. In this letter, he discusses his health and the status of his regiment.

Letter from Samuel Mathews to his friends dated October 1, 1863. In this letter, he discusses his battle experiences, his furlough in New York, enlistment, and camp life.

Letter from Samuel Mathews to his brother and sister not dated. In this letter, Mathews discusses the Battle of Yorktown and community news.

Yorktown (Va.)

Letter from Samuel Mathews to his brother and sister not dated. In this letter, he discusses an unnamed battle.

Letter from Samuel Mathews to his brother and sister dated April 20, 1864. In this letter, he discusses the weather, Henry Mathews, and the status of his regiment.

Letter from Henry Mathews to his sister dated August 4, 1864. In this letter he describes battles around Atlanta, Ga.

Atlanta (Ga.)

Letter from Samuel Mathews to his friends dated January 3, 1862. In this letter, he discusses the weather, camp life, and soldier behavior.

Letter from Samuel Mathews dated May 29, 1861. In this letter, he discusses life as a soldier and community news.

Letter from Samuel Mathews dated May 19, 1864. In this letter, he discusses Henry Mathew's health and the status of his regiment.

Letter from Samuel Mathews to his brother and sister dated October 29, 1861. In this letter, he describes his health, the status of his regiment, food, and family news.

Letter from Samuel Mathews to his brother and sister dated February 5, 1862. In this letter, he discusses the Confederate army, England joining the American Civil War, and community news.


Letter from Samuel Mathews to his brother and sister dated January 18, 1862. In this letter, he discusses getting his photograph taken, the weather, the status of his regiment and his belief that the war will end soon.

Letter from Samuel Mathews to his brother and sister dated June 11, 1864. In this letter, he describes the Battle of Cold Harbor.

Letter from Samuel Mathews to his friends dated March 13, 1862. In this letter, he discusses the status of his regiment, the Confederate Army, and courting.

Letter from Samuel Mathews to his brother and sister dated December 29, 1862. In this letter, he discusses the Battle of Fredericksburg and family news.

Letter from Samuel Mathews to his brother and sister dated July 24, 1861. In this letter, he discusses the status of his regiment and the Battle of Blackburn's Ford and the First Battle of Bull Run.

Letter from Samuel Mathews to his brother and sister dated April 7, 1863. In this letter, he discusses the status of his regiment, Henry Mathews, the Confederate Army, the Union Army, and community news.

Letter from Samuel Mathews to his brother and sister dated March 9, 1964. In this letter, he discusses Henry Mathews and finances.

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