Object Type: Folder
In Folder: RG 87-155 GLO Survey Maps, 1816-1860
A survey map of an island in a lake located in Section 2 of Prairieville Township in Barry County, Michigan. This survey was completed in January 1877.
A survey map of Prairieville Township in Barry County, Michigan, measured in December 1826.
A survey map of an island, called Island No. 4, located in the Section 6 portion of Pine Lake in Prairieville Township, Barry County, Michigan. This survey was completed in July 1915.
A survey map of an island in Warner Lake, located in Section 18 of Prairieville Township in Barry County, Michigan. This survey was completed in September 1958.
A survey map detailing Island No. 1 in Pine Lake, located in Sections 6 and 7 in Prairieville Township in Barry County, Michigan. This survey was completed in 1877 or early 1878.
A survey map of Cedar Island located in the Section 6 portion of Pine Lake in Praririeville Township, Barry County, Michigan. This survey was completed in April 1906.
A survey map of Hemlock Island, located in the Section 7 portion of Pine Lake in Prairieville Township, Barry County, Michigan. This survey was completed in July 1927.
A survey map of three islands in Pine Lake, located in Sections 6 and 7 of Prairieville Township in Barry County, Michigan. This survey was completed in late 1875 or early 1876.
A survey map of an island in Crooked Lake, located in Sections 1 and 12 of Prairieville Township in Barry County, Michigan. This survey was completed in March 1890.